Thursday, December 28, 2006

The Yarn Speaks

After spinning for a while, I realized that I really didn't know what to make out of my handspun yarn. Fortunately, I have been mentored by other fiber artists who have told me the answer to "What are you going to make with that yarn?" is one (or both) of the following responses:

1. I like to put it in a bowl [or basket, or other container] and look at it; it makes me happy.

2. I don't know. It hasn't told me yet.

I do truly love to look at my handspun, but it's a truly marvelous day when the yarn speaks!

My first handspun (the green and white) told me it wanted to be a winter hat. My first hand-dyed (the multi-colored) told me it wanted to be a wee sock. So here they are, feeling quite proud of themselves.

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